« We determine the fee schedule together before beginning any assignment. »


When the nature of our work allows, we establish a detailed budget range that takes into account the difficulties that may arise.
We guarantee that the budget estimate will not increase by more than 10%. During our assignment, we provide a detailed statement of time spent on the case so that the budget can be closely monitored.


When the nature of our work does not allow us to draw up a budget, invoicing is based on each participant’s hourly rate, which may vary according to their expertise, details of which we will provide at the start of each assignment. This generally concerns ad hoc, short-term work (consultancy and negotiation). Our response is either written or verbal, according to your request.


Litigation is covered by fees comprising a lump-sum amount for each stage of the proceedings, as well as an outcome-based fee, calculated in relation to the savings made with regard to the claims, following the ruling or negotiations that we undertake if an amicable solution is appropriate.

Fees comprise a lump-sum amount intended to at least cover all due diligence undertaken by us (application, submissions, hearings) and which is retained by the law firm regardless of the outcome of proceedings, as well as a percentage of the awarded amount following the ruling or negotiations.


Invoice amounts are estimated for a period of 12 sliding months. Adjustments may be made in the event of any over- or under-use. Assistance concerns all issues resulting from human resource management and employee relations. It also includes day-to-day company management and any specific cases. Only dispute resolution is not included in the subscription fee.
If litigation is necessary, our knowledge of the company and prior involvement in preparation of cases allows us to agree on a preferential rate.


Training courses are subject to flat-rate pricing that includes preparation, coordination and documentation given to participants.